An overview of the lecture on “Market Structure and al-Shaybani’s Micro-consumption Model”
An overview of the lecture on “Market Structure and al-Shaybani’s Micro-consumption Model” Date: 4 February 2021 Day: Thursday…
An overview of the lecture on “Market Structure and al-Shaybani’s Micro-consumption Model”
- Date: 4 February 2021
- Day: Thursday
- Time: 12 Noon (Kuwait time)
- Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Director, Center for Islamic Economics Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
- Organizer: Islamic Econmics Association, Faculty of Shariah and Islamic Studies, Kuwait University
- Web:
The Islamic Economics Association (نادي الاقتصاد الإسلامي بجامعة الكويت) of the Faculty of Shariah and Islamic Studies in University of Kuwait is a well-known pioneer education, research and training platform. The association specially promotes Shariah-compliant finance frameworks, strategies, and models through conducting lectures, talks, workshops, conferences, seminars and trainings, both in Arabic and English languages which covers a wide range of areas in Islamic banking and finance. In regard to that the lecture on “Market Structure and al-Shaybani’s Micro-consumption Model” was held on 4 February 2021. Dr. Mohammad Mohiuddin, the Moderator of the session started the session and briefly introduced the Association and the speaker to all participants.
The speaker Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Omar Mohammed addressed the background of the topic of the lecture at the beginning and mentioned the content of the lecture. Then the lecturer discussed briefly about learning outcome, fair competition and assumptions, market values, consumer behaviour, and Al-Shaybani’s model.
Keywords: Market Structure. Market Values. Al-Shaybani’s Model. Micro-Consumption.
The objectives of the lecture are:
- Assisting the researchers, professionals and students to understand fair competition and assumptions.
- Defining the market values.
- Helping the attendees to understand concumer behaviour.
- Addressing Al-Shaybani’s Micro-Consumption Model.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Omar Mohammed discussed the topic excellently. He explained the Islamic perspective of a fair market, fair competitions and assumptions. The the speaker analyzed the consumer behaviour in conventional economics from an Islamic economic perspective. The speaker said that Al-Shaybani (born in 132 H) was the first to dedicate an entire book on al-Kasb, and he explained main topics in al-Kasb including Infaq, money, public finance, debt, moderation, classification of occupation, Israf , Ihtikar and Zakat. Dr. Mustaf concluded his lecture by introducing the conceptual framework of Al-Shaybani’s Micro-Consumption Model.
May Allah accept all our good deeds and services.
Prepared by:
Dr. Mohammad Mohiuddin
Moderator of the session